Your first lesson

At your first lesson I will discuss your driving experience and consurnes. If you have not driven before your first lesson would take place in a quiet road, I usually get  my pupils to drive along the old A30 from Honiton, its ideal for a first lesson without much traffic, you will be able to practice the basics, changing gears, steering & braking, I can then access your skills and then determine whats best for you for your the next lesson.


Before we start you will be given a briefing on the controls followed by a step by step instructions of how to move the car along the road and come to a stop. This is repeated, working up to a point of performing the task independently. This technique forms the basis for learning most of the subjects.


Driver record 


All my pupils learn at different speeds and have different challenges, so some of my skills are to identify potential weak areas and remedy them quickly. To help me achieve this I use a pupil progress record card system, which allows the pupil to see their progress and where further development is needed. At the begining of each lesson we spend 5 minutes (debrief) going over the development areas and incorporate this into the new lesson. By doing this I can create a learning structure for you.

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